---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FracXtra v5.0: Fractint Extras Collection by Dan Goldwater, 7/5/93 release. distributed as FRACXTR5.ZIP ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- description: FracXtra is a huge collection of .map, .par, .frm, .ifs, .l, .key, and .bat files, as well as some small external programs for the best fractal generator ever made, Fractint, by the Stone Soup Group (no bias here!). version 17 or higher of fractint is needed for some of the files in this collection. The files are by no means all made by me, although i did make quite a few of the .map and .par files myself. The FracXtra collection is really just a collection of all the fractint .map, .par, .frm, etc. files i have found on the internet and on bulletin boards. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT'S NEW: Lots of new .frm files, thanks to mike wareman. New distribution policies and sites! I can now send fracxtra and/or fractint and/or other software by real mail for a nominal fee. Also, fracxtra will now be distributed on many more internet sites than previously. I am now using pkzip v2.04g. you need pkunzip v2.04 or (unix) unzip v5.0. some of the new .par files are fractint v18 specific, everything else will work at least with v17. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- where to get FracXtra, Fractint, and all that other Good Stuff: FracXtra can be obtained from finer bulletin boards, on many Internet FTP sites, and most likely from Compu$erve as well, though I personally do not put it on ci$. If you can't get either FracXtra and/or Fractint by the above means, I can send them by real-mail for a nominal fee. See details on this below. it may take up to a week after each release for fracxtra to get onto all the distribution sites... the following are the distribution sites which each new version of fracxtra is uploaded/ftp'd to by me: Bulletin Boards: The Graphics Alternative BBS, 510-524-2780 (highly recommended!) Channel 1 BBS, 617-354-7077 617-354-3137 617-354-5776 617-354-8873 Internet FTP sites: All new releases of FracXtra are found on the following sites: Simtel20 mirror sites: wuarchive.wustl.edu in /mirrors/msdos/graphics/ oak.oakland.edu in /pub/msdos/graphics wsmr-simtel20.army.mil in pd1 nic.funet.fi and others... wuarchive.wustl.edu in /pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/graphics/ or /pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/misc/ or /pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/ or similar. ftp.cica.indiana.edu in /pub/pc/win3/uploads/ or /pub/pc/win3/desktop/ sprite.berkeley.edu in /pub/ (this is the XFractint source. XFractint includes the full FracXtra with it. look for the file xfract18.tar.Z or similar. the FracXtra release may be here as a separate file as well). where to get Fractint: Fractint v18.0/v17.3 is available in versions for dos, windows, and X. you can get Fractint on any of the above BBS systems and internet FTP sites. on oak.oakland.edu, look in /pub/msdos/graphics/ as fraint18.zip. the source code (for dos and X) is frasrc18.zip. The windows version is in /pub/msdos/windows3/ as winfr173.zip. New versions of the software will presumably have similar names when they are released. Disks By Real-Mail (before May 1995 only, see address below): number of disks i send you: price: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 $8.00 US 2 $11.00 US 3 $14.00 US each additional disk $3.00 US International: Add 50% to all prices. Discounts: If you send me QUALITY files to add to FracXtra, you get a $3.00 discount (.frm, .par, .map, .ifs, .l, .bat, .key, or *SMALL* external programs ONLY). Note: I can handle 1.44meg and 1.2meg dos format disks ONLY! What will fit on a disk (all programs are zipped, pkunzip included) ? Package: Size: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FracXtra v5.0 525k Fractint v18.0 for dos 485k Fractint/XFract v18.0 portable C source code (msc6, msc7, bc31, X) 875k Fractint v17.3 for Microsoft Windows 490k DTA v1.8 fli animation creator 150k PlayFli v0.73 svga fli animation player 20k PicLab v1.91 truecolor image converter, manipulator, viewer 175k AAPlay v1.1 for Windows animation creator, player. incl. truecolor. 110k CompuShow v8.60a viewer and printer 155k Graphics Workshop v6.1v file viewer, converter, manipulator, FX. 350k Graphics Workshop v1.1c for Windows 500k RayShade v4.0.6 386+387 raytracer, w/source 1010k Persistance Of Vision 386+387 raytracer (POVray) 860k POVray utilities (including CAD-style front end) 200k HCMake, HCPlay, HCShow, HCSvga hicolor animation, viewers, bc31 code 270k vbrun100.dll and vbrun200.dll for some windows programs 365k Image Alchemy v1.6 image converter, manipulator, viewer, etc. 445k JPEG386 (Independant JPEG group). 386 gif and tga to jpeg 205k Pkzip v2.04g 205k *** Some other graphics shareware packages for dos/windows are available *** *** The latest versions of all programs will always be supplied *** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- using the FracXtra collection: .par files are fractal parameter files. press '@', then 'f6' to load a parameter file. .map files are fractal color maps. load them with 'l' when in color cycling mode (press 'c' to go to color cycling mode when an image is displayed). .frm files are fractal formula files. press 't', choose 'formula', then press 'f6' to load a formula file .ifs files are IFS type fractal formula files. press 't', choose 'IFS', then press 'f6' to load an IFS formula file. .l files are L-system fractal formula files. press 't', choose 'L-system', then press 'f6' to load an L-system formula file. .bat files are for running fractint with command line options from dos. .key files are fractint macro keylists, for demos and such. other files are external programs, .txt files describing files in the collection, or other things. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- getting your own Fractint extras in the FracXtra collection: If you have any good Fractint extras you would like to have included in this collection, just tell me how to get them and i will include them in the next release. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- --Dan Goldwater-- ----------------- preferred (internet) email: daniel_goldwater@brown.edu alternate (internet) emails: dgold@math.umass.edu dgold@lems.brown.edu st202013@brownvm.brown.edu Compu$erve users: I have been told that you too can send me email at my internet email address, though i can't tell you how to do it. since i'm a student, feel free to send money if that's your desire: Primary address which i check at least weekly (ok until at least May 1995) Send all orders for software to this address, make checks to Dan Goldwater: Dan Goldwater Box 5435 Brown University Providence, RI 02912-5435 Secondary address which i check about once a month: Dan Goldwater 9 Forest Edge Rd Amherst, MA 01002-1533 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #IFDEF LEGAL_CRAP I make absolutely no claim to ownership of most of the files or programs contained here, and some of them may be shareware, although most are freeware or public domain. Many of the files are copyrighted in the specific files by whoever made them. Due to the methods and time period over which this collection was/is gathered, it would be impossible to list all the contributors whose names are not specifically in a file contained herein. basically i think what i want to say here is all the legal stuff that gets me off the hook when you sue me for something. just insert any and all disclaimers here. i am not trying to make any money from this, anyway. if any author of something in this collection doesn't like what i am doing, just email or real-mail me and i'll correct the situation. #ENDIF LEGAL_CRAP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- using the collection: .par files are fractal parameter files. press '@', then 'f6' to load a parameter file. .map files are fractal color maps. load them with 'l' when in color cycling mode (press 'c' to go to color cycling mode when an image is displayed). .frm files are fractal formula files. press 't', choose 'formula', then press 'f6' to load a formula file .ifs files are IFS type fractal formula files. press 't', choose 'IFS', then press 'f6' to load an IFS formula file. .l files are L-system fractal formula files. press 't', choose 'L-system', then press 'f6' to load an L-system formula file. .bat files are for running fractint with command line options from dos. .key files are fractint macro keylists, for demos and such. other files are external programs, .txt files describing files in the collection, or other things. note that all the extras files contained in the release Fractint v17.2 are in fracxtra. while the various types of fractint files are separated into their own directories in this archive, you may want to put them all in your fractint main directory, because using them is easier that way. but, if you really don't want all 300 files in one directory, unzip this file with -d to recreate the directory structure. note that the .frm, .bat, and possibly some of the other files in the collection may not work as expected if they aren't in the same directory as fractint.exe. maybe newer versions of fractint will allow a forcefully defined directory for each type of file. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- getting your own Fractint extras in the FracXtra collection: If you have any good Fractint extras you would like to have included in this collection, just tell me how to get them and i will include them in the next release. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- upgrading old fracxtra releases: upgrading from version 2 or version 1: everything in the previous releases of fracxtra is in this release, but some files have been renamed, some conglomerated to reduce the number of files, and some deleted if they duplicated other files. as a result, you can delete every file in the old version and then unzip this collection. the problem is that if you have made any fractint files of your own, you will have to avoid deleting them (heh heh). to help you do this, the following files existed in version 2 but have been deleted in this version: all .l files except fractint.l, penrose.l, tiling.l moreifs1.ifs black.map, white.map (what were these all white and all black maps for?!?) upgrading from version 3, 2, and 1: the /txt directory was eliminated. the .txt files are now in /other. erase the following files, which were either duplicates or were renamed: rain4x3.map, smooth2.map, smooth4.map. upgrading from version 4: no problem. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- notes on specific files: many of the .txt files in /other correspond to a .par and/or .frm file, and describe how to use it or who wrote it or something like that. fractint.frm and improved.frm have many of the same formulas in them, but they have been organized so that fractint.frm is a subset of improved.frm. the formulas in fractint.frm have many of the variables preset, such that they require less parameters than the corresponding (and similarly named) formulas in improved.frm. many of the improved.frm formulas in turn have a comment which gives example values to try in a formula, and these are often the values used to preset that formula in fractint.frm. note that the fractint.frm included in the collection is different from the one included in Fractint v17. you may want to rename improved.frm to fractint.frm, and fractint.frm to oldfract.frm, because many of the .par files expect certain formulas to be in fractint.frm which are now only in improved.frm. some of the .par and .bat files are directory dependant, and may not be able to find the .frm, .map, or .par files they need to work properly. in general, most can be made to work if your fractint.exe is located in c:\fract\ and the .frm, .map, .par, and/or .bat files in question are also located in c:\fract\. you could also fix this problem by editing the files in question, or by adding your .map, .par, and .frm files on the path. the following files were made by me: about half of the .map files, including almost all the various rainbow and volcano and fade ones. i made the dgeneral.par and the dcontpot.par files, both are (c), but you can use them for any non-profit purpose you wish, as long as you don't claim you made them. i also wrote part of the 24bit.txt info file on making 24bit fractals, and the frachead.ray rayshade header file. also many of the .txt and .bat files describing various stuff (in /other). also made fraccfg.2. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- version history: version 1: - the initial release. totally undocumented and disorganized and incomplete. everyone kept bugging me and bugging me to re-upload it everywhere . version 2: - got a whole bunch of new .par, .frm, .l, and .bat files, and a few .map's - made this readme file, and the file_id.diz. - discovered that none of the .ifs files were in the correct format. i fixed them, and consolidated all the new ones into one file, moreifs.ifs. - consolidated a few of the .par files that had only a few .par's in them into the misc.par file. - eliminated duplication in a few of the .par files (like wohlers.par and all of the .par files i made myself), and i consolidated my own .par's. version 3: - got a few new .map and .par files - nuked a ton of .l and .ifs files because they were dups - changed the zip-exe dir to an other dir, and put in some new stuff. - removed duplication from the remaining .l files. - removed duplication between fractint.frm and improved.frm, and reorganized those files (see notes). - fixed one of the formulas in improved.frm which had a syntax error (jm_23). - made a .txt file about making 24bit fractals - used pkzip v2.04e to compress - made a .ray file header for rayshade output files - misc. editing of files version 4: - made fade*.map - deleted rain4x3.map, renamed smooth2.map and smooth4.map - got select.frm file, and burt.par file - got a .map file making program, map100.zip. - moved the /txt stuff into /other - used the old pkzip v1.10 to compress, for compatibility - misc. editing of files - made/added .txt and .bat files on animating fractals. - got about 20 new .map, a .par, and a .ifs file - got fbat102.zip, a par-to-bat converter - got a .cfg file and .ini additions and other misc. files in /other version 5: - got aaa111.par and cw4par.par - i got some other stuff, but i dont remember what anymore! - some new maps, but i dont remember their names. - lots of new .frm files from mike wareman. see \other\f(g(z))).txt for info. - also got secant.frm from mike wareman, and made mikeware.par from his .gifs. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------